
A gathering with a meal with our friars, and two special Masses.

2017 Ohio Vocation Opportunities

There will be two classes of novices at St. Gertrude Priory during this time. It will be an extraordinary opportunity to meet our novices and our senior friars to learn more about the Dominicans. August 10 event requires RSVP.

Visiting our Houses in the Dominican Province of St. Joseph

Visiting smaller houses in the Dominican Province of St. Joseph

New Interview with Br. Ignatius Perkins, O.P.

New Audio Recordings of Dominican Poets

The Triduum in the Province of St. Joseph

God Matters? Tricky Teachings and Difficult Doctrines at Oxford

Word to Life Radio Broadcast: Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Word to Life Radio Broadcast: Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Word to Life Radio Broadcast: Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

The World Which Made St. Philip Neri