Dominican Friars
Seven Dominican Friars Professed Solemn Vows
Seven of our brothers recently professed Solemn Vows, fully committing the whole of their lives to God through our Dominican way of life.
Dominican Rosary Pilgrimage 2024 Novena
At the first Dominican Rosary Pilgrimage last September, principal preacher Fr. Gregory Pine, O.P., encouraged pilgrims to pray for a…
Dominicans Expand to Rockville Centre
The Province of St. Joseph is expanding its ministry footprint into the Diocese of Rockville Centre in June 2024. Four…
A 9-Month Novena for National Rosary Pilgrimage
Every good thing begins in prayer! And so the Dominican Friars of the Province St. Joseph are beginning a 9-month…
Dominican Presence: Building up the Church
Bishop Earl Fernandes, bishop of Columbus, Ohio, points to the importance of the Dominican friars in the life of the…
“The city that never sleeps needs a chapel that never closes,” said Fr. Boniface Endorf, O.P., pastor of St. Joseph’s…
The PSJ Celebrates Solemn Professions
Solemn Professions at DHS in Washington, D.C.
Huntington, NY – Very Rev. Allen Moran, O.P., was elected Prior Provincial of the Dominican Province of St. Joseph at…
The Dominican Rosary Pilgrimage
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