2014 Chapter Closes

July 2, 2014

The 2014 chapter for the Province of St. Joseph officially concluded on July 1, with the completion of the diffinitorium’s work implementing the chapter’s legislation. The 2014 chapter met for a total of nineteen days, debating a host of issues and planning the direction of the province for the next four years. After the extensive legislative work of the main body of capitulars was completed, the seven members of the diffinitorium continued to meet, making sure that the aims of the new legislation will be more easily met by making a variety of assignments and implementing new policies. The specific legislation of the chapter, called the Acta, are currently under review by the Dominican Curia in Rome. Following the principles of the Dominican Order’s governmental system, the proposed Acta of a chapter must be examined by the Master of the Order and his curia, in order to ensure that the policies and directions of each province remain in accord with the vision of St. Dominic and the evangelical needs of the Church and the world. Once the Master’s suggestions and edits have been received and addressed, the approved Acta can be distributed to the members of the province. Thank you for your prayers during the 2014 provincial chapter, and please continue to pray for the Holy Spirit’s guidance in the implementation of the Acta.

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