Dominican Friar Opens Session of the U.S. House of Representatives with Prayer
October 16, 2013
[vodpod id=Video.16593836&] With a compromise to end the shutdown on the horizon, Fr. Andrew Hofer, O.P., Master of Students and professor of theology at the Pontifical Faculty of the Immaculate Conception, began the October 15, 2013 session of the 113th Congress with an opening prayer before the U.S. House of Representatives. View Fr. Andrew offering his prayer at the Speaker’s podium here, or in the window above. The text appears below. All-powerful and merciful God, we ask you to pour forth your Spirit of blessings upon the world, which you have freely made, this nation, which trusts in you, and upon all here on Capitol Hill, who turn to you. We have been wrong, and we have sinned. Give us all a share of your wisdom and your mercy. Enlighten us so that we can turn from our error and live by the power of your truth. Strengthened by you, may we stand united in necessary matters, acknowledge liberty in doubtful matters, and be charitable in all matters. We ask this of you, the source of all unity, liberty, and charity, to whom be glory and honor now and forever. Amen.