The Devil’s Advocate: A Series of Debates

July 18, 2013

devils-aadvocate-bannerFr. Thomas Joseph White, OP, will be participating in a series of debates on issues of the Catholic faith this September.  Designed as a dialogue between a a Catholic Apologist and a “Devil’s Advocate”, this series aims to answer the hardest questions for the Catholic faith by engaging with other viewpoints seriously and fairly In addition to Fr. Thomas Joseph White, the Apologists will include Fr. Paul Scalia, the Delegate for Clergy of the Diocese of Arlington, and Mr. Vaughn Treco, a Former Protestant Minister now a Lay Evangelist.  Serving as the “Devil’s Advocates” will be Mr. Soren Johnson, Special Assistant for Evangelization and Media for the the Diocese of Arlington, and Mr. Tom O’Neill, Assistant Director for the Office of Family Life for the Diocese of Arlington.  The schedule for these debates will be: Tues., September 10 – Sex & Morality: Fr. Paul Scalia Tues., September 17 – Protestant Critiques of Catholicism Mr. Vaughn Treco Tues., September 24 – Agnosticism & Atheism Fr. Thomas Joseph White, OP< The debates will be held at Bishop Ireton High School Auditorium, 201 Cambridge Rd., Alexandria, VA 22301.  Each date held 7 pm to 9 pm.  The event is being sponsored by the Office of Family Life of the Diocese of Arlington.  For more information, see the event flyer below. Apol.-13---Devil's-Advocate-Flyer

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