3 New Priests and St. Patrick’s Church in Columbus
June 8, 2013
Fr. Dominic Bump, OP, Fr. Reginald Lynch, OP, and Deacon Michael Magree, SJ The Catholic Times of the Diocese of Columbus recently printed an article on the number of priests ordained this year with a connection to our Dominican parish of St. Patrick. The priests include our own recently ordained Frs. Dominic Bump, OP, and Reginald Lynch, OP as well as Deacon Michael Magree, SJ, who will be ordained later in June. The article is printed below with the permission of The Catholic Times. Three men with connections to St. Patrick Church, Columbus, have been or will be ordained as priests of religious Father Dominic Joseph Bump, OP, a member of St. Patrick Church, and Father Reginald Mary Lynch, OP, who has been stationed at the parish as a Dominican brother, were ordained as priests of the Dominican order by Bishop Christopher Cardone, OP, of Auki in the Solomon Islands, on Friday, May 24 at St. Dominic Church in Washington. Deacon Michael C. Magree, SJ, also a member of the parish, will be ordained as a priest of the Jesuit order by Bishop Thomas Donato, auxiliary bishop of Newark, N.J., on Sunday, June 9, at Fordham University in New York City. Father Bump attended Grove City High School and is a 1996 graduate of the University of Cincinnati. He most recently worked for the Bachman Miller Group in Dublin. He entered the Dominican order at St. Gertrude Priory in Cincinnati in August 2005 and made his first profession of religious vows there in 2006. He was then assigned to the Dominican House of Studies in Washington to pursue studies for the priesthood. During his years in Washington, he also served at the Ohio State Penitentiary and at the Arlington County (Va.) Detention Center, the Washington Hospital Center, and in the missions in Kenya. He made his lifelong profession of vows in 2009 and was ordained a deacon in 2012. As a deacon, he served at Ss. Philip and James Parish in Baltimore, staffed by the Dominicans. As a priest, he will continue to be assigned there as an assistant Catholic chaplain at Johns Hopkins University. Father Lynch, of Hanover, N.H., is a 2003 graduate of St. Lawrence University, where he earned his bachelor’s degree. He entered the Dominican order at St. Gertrude Priory and made his first profession of vows in 2008. He then was assigned to the Dominican House of Studies to study for the priesthood. While in Washington, he served in ministries with the Missionaries of Charity and the Dominican Third Order. He made his lifelong profession of vows in 2011 and was ordained a deacon in 2012. As a deacon, he was assigned to Columbus St. Patrick Church, where he will continue to serve as a priest. Deacon Magree is a 1996 graduate of Columbus St. Charles Preparatory School. He received a bachelor’s degree in philosophy from Franciscan University of Steubenville in 2000 and a master’s degree in classics from The Ohio State University in 2001. In 2002, he entered the Society of Jesus, spending two years at the Jesuit novitiate in Syracuse, N.Y. He earned a master’s degree in philosophy from Fordham University in 2007, then taught high-school religion and Latin and led the choir at St. Joseph’s Preparatory School in Philadelphia. In 2010, he continued his studies at the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry, earning a master of divinity degree, while serving as a deacon at St. Raphael Church in West Medford, Mass. During his years in formation, he also worked with prisoners at the Suffolk County House of Corrections in Boston and directed a program on the everyday practice of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola through The Jesuit Collaborative, a ministry of lay and religious partnering to share the gift of Ignatian spirituality. After a trip this summer to MAGIS, the Jesuit pastoral program that precedes World Youth Day, he will return to St. Joseph’s Prep in Philadelphia, where he will serve part-time as a chaplain while completing his licentiate in sacred theology. Masses of thanksgiving will be celebrated at St. Patrick’s by Father Bump at noon, Sunday, June 2; by Father Magree at noon Sunday, June 16; and by Father Lynch at noon Sunday, June 23. The Order of Preachers, commonly known as the Dominicans, was founded in southern France in 1216 by St. Dominic de Guzman. The order is dedicated to the proclamation of the Word of God for the salvation of souls. The Dominican way of life consists of the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, and attends to study as the basis for preaching. Dominican friars live in community, gathering each day for common prayer. There are more than 6,000 Dominican friars worldwide. Fathers Bump and Lynch are members of the Dominican Province of St. Joseph, based in New York City and established in 1805. It has almost 300 Dominicans who are engaged in parish ministry, foreign missions, campus ministry, retreat work, and education. The province also operates Providence College in Rhode Island. The Society of Jesus, commonly known as the Jesuits, were founded by St. Ignatius of Loyola in 1540. Today the Jesuits, the largest religious order in the world, continue to serve the church through its diverse ministries. Nearly 20,000 Jesuits serve the Church in 112 nations on six continents. Deacon Magree is a member of the Jesuits’ Maryland Province, which encompasses New Jersey, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, Georgia, and New Orleans. It includes five Jesuit universities, nine middle and high schools, 10 parishes, and four retreat centers. The Maryland Province, founded in 1833, is the oldest Jesuit province in the U.S. and supports more than 300 Jesuits in a wide variety of missions.