Upcoming Events sponsored by the Dominican House of Studies
April 2, 2013
There are a few excellent events being sponsored by the Dominican House of Studies and our Thomistic Institute in the upcoming months.
Advancing a Culture of Life Conference
The Catholic Center at New York University
April 5-6, 2013 (MORE INFO) (FLIER)
Speakers include: David Novak, Rusty Reno, Angela Knobel, Fr. Thomas Joseph White OP, Carter Snead, Yuval Levin, Fr. Allan White OP, Paige Hochschild, Anna Halpine, Francis Beckworth, Ryan T. Anderson, Mary Eberstadt, & Ashley McGuire
Thomas Aquinas: Free Will & Virtue Workshop
Mt. St. Mary College, Newburgh NY
June 13-16, 2013 (MORE INFO)
Speakers include: Fr. James Brent OP, Alfred Freddoso, Jennifer Frey, Michael Gorman, Russell Hittinger, John O’Callaghan, Fr. Michael Sherwin OP, & Candace Vogler
The Priest as Teacher of the Faith Conference (for Priests only)
Cathedral, Nashville TN
July 16-18, 2013 (MORE INFO & BROCHURE)
Speakers include: Fr. Romanus Cessario OP, Fr. Jeremy Driscoll OSB, Fr. Paul Scalia, Fr. Michael Sherwin OP, & Fr. Tom Weinandy OFM Cap
All of these events would be excellent opportunities to meet friars of our province. For info on our next vocation weekend, CLICK HERE.