Dominican Offers Prayer to Open U.S. House of Representatives
February 8, 2013
On Tuesday, February 8, 2013, Dominican friar Fr. Brian Chrzastek, O.P., Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the Pontifical Faculty of the Immaculate Conception, offered the opening prayer for Legislative Day at the United States House of Representatives. A video of Fr. Chrzastek offering his prayer can be seen at the website of the U.S. House of Representatives. The text of the prayer is below:
All powerful and ever-living God, mindful of the peace and prosperity enjoyed by this nation, and the sacrifices of those through whom you have bestowed such bounty, hear the prayers of those who continue to seek your aid; those gathered in the chambers of this Congress, and all those entrusted with its service. Strengthen the stirrings of your grace within them; may they advance in fulfillment of the oaths they have taken at the service of your people. Continue to guide them in the discharge of their duties of office. Help them to attend to the concerns of those whom they represent. Guide them in their deliberations with their fellow representatives. Though mindful of particular interests, may they ever seek the benefit of all people of this nation and even that of humanity itself. May we always strive to realize the good whose possibility you call us to trust. Amen.