Scrooge in New Haven

December 12, 2012

Alastair Sim as Scrooge
Fr. Hugh Vincent Dyer, OP, the chaplain of Quinnipiac University, together with the Young Adult Group at St. Mary’s Church in New Haven, will be hosting a showing of the classic cinematic version of A Christmas Carol, the 1951 edition starring Alistair Sim. The great Catholic writer G.K. Chesterton in his work on Charles Dickens described his great novel A Christmas Carol as:

a kind of philanthropic dream, an enjoyable nightmare, in which the scenes shift bewilderingly and seem as miscellaneous as the pictures in a scrap-book, but in which there is one constant state of the soul, a state of rowdy benediction and a hunger for human faces.

In addition to being an American tradition, the showing is meant to honor the bicentennial of Mr. Dickens’s birth (Feb 4, 1812) and the 170th anniversary (Feb. 11, 1842) of his visit to the “Elm City”, shortly after his 30th birthday. The showing will be at St. Mary’s Hall at 7:15pm on Thursday, December 13.

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