The HHS Mandate: Anti-Catholic and Un-American

April 15, 2012

Watch the video below in which Fr. Robert Barron gives a reasoned discourse on the problems with The HHS Mandate. Fr. Barron takes Thomas Aquinas, the church’s greatest theologian, as his hero, his patron saint, the person who, more than any other, had directed him toward the priesthood, and the scholar whose work he have been studying and writing about most of his adult life. Barron writes: “At a time when religious conversation far too often devolves into shouting matches and ad hominem attacks, Thomas (Aquinas) calls us back to reasoned discourse. At a time when religious passions have run amok and have resulted in terrible acts of violence, Thomas calls us back to hard thinking about God. At a time when adepts of different religions often gaze at one another suspiciously, the Thomas who happily dialogued with pagan philosophers, Jewish rabbis, Muslim sages, and Christian heretics, calls us back to an attitude of broad-minded respect. I think actually that the Church’s turning away from Aquinas in the years following Vatican II was a dreadful mistake. We lost something of massive importance when we set aside his balance, his deep intelligence, and his sanity. Happily, there is a rather impressive Thomas Aquinas revival going on throughout the church, as a number of gifted younger scholars (and some older ones too) are turning back with enthusiasm to his works. May their tribe increase.” [youtube]

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