More Advent Updates from the Vocation Office
December 20, 2011
Fr. Dominic Izzo OP, one of our vicar provincials, has just sent out another pre-Christmas update which is a nice summary of some of the things happening in our province.
I also wanted to give each of you an Advent gift from the Vocation Office. It is a free subscription to Dominicana, the on-line & printed journal of our Student friars here at the Dominican House of Studies. This journal has different articles from the on-line blog which publishes a new article M-F each week. I will be sending access to each of you on my email updates to download the journal to an iPad, Kindle or your computer to read offline within the next few days.
Move on over to our provincial website where we just posted an update from Vatican Radio on the 500th anniversary of the historic homily of Fr. Antonio Montesinos OP in the Dominican Republic. Our Order has a great tradition of working for human rights.
Also there you will find a video of Bro. Gregory Maria OP on following Christ in the Dominican vocation.
Not on my email updates? Contact me! Finally the video below is a recording of our Dominican schola – enjoy and please say a prayer for our friars in formation!
Dominican Schola from the Dominican House of Studies under the direction of Fr. James Moore OP of the Province of the Holy Name (Western)
“Why are there so many Dominican vocations?” Read what Archbishop Augustine DiNoia OP says.