Crossing the Tiber: Dr. Peter Kreeft explains why he became a Catholic
July 5, 2011
In this video Dr. Peter Kreeft, a professor of philosophy at Boston College, discusses his conversion to Catholicism while attending Yale University. Kreeft discusses his thoughts on the Dominicans, Saint Thomas Aquinas, the Summa and the importance of preaching. He also recommends the periodical Magnificat which is edited by Dominican Fathers Peter John Cameron, and Romanus Cessario. Magnificat is a resource that helps the laity to participate more fully in the prayer of the Church by providing, in abbreviated form, the Liturgy of the Hours (Divine Office), as well as the texts of the Order of Mass and Scripture readings for Sundays and weekdays. Unlike the more complete forms of the Liturgy of the Hours, which many laymen find daunting, Magnificat provides clear and easy to follow versions of Morning and Night Prayer. In addition to prayer and Mass texts, Magnificat contains meditations suitable for the day, a Liturgical Calendar, and short essays relating to the season of the Church Year. It also includes the texts of classic hymns for the liturgical season. The meditations and essays represent a spectrum of the Catholic heritage — Leo the Great, Pope John Paul II, Thomas Aquinas, Benedict XVI, Hans Urs Von Balthasar, Catherine of Siena, Edith Stein, Flannery O’Connor, among many others.