“In Dominican Life the Man is Launched on the Way to Holiness”

March 25, 2011

Happy Feast of the Annunciation of the Lord!

This short audio clip comes from a talk, “The Dominican Spiritual Life: The Annunciation & The Passion” given by Fr. Walter Wagner OP who was novice master in our province for 10 years and now is Pastor at the Church of St. Vincent Ferrer in New York City.  In it he speaks about those structures of Dominican life which draw so many, but which ultimately must be internalized, so that we receive the Gospel continually, thus sparking a new demand for conversion.

[blip.tv http://blip.tv/play/oAmLhzoC]

I also offer you this excerpt by Fr. Romanus Cessario OP from his book, Perpetual Angelus: As the Saints Pray concerning today’s solemnity:

“Those who live in Mary, those who repeat her name along with that of her divine Son, discover in themselves the fulfillment of the prophets’ saying that a great reconciliation takes place in Christ. Things really do change. They change because of what God has accomplished in Jesus and Mary. ‘Thus the fiat of the Annunciation,’ says Pope John Paul II, ‘inaugurates the New Covenant between God and the creature: while it incorporates Jesus into our race according to nature, it incorporates Mary into Him according to grace. The bond between God and humankind that was broken by sin is now happily restored.’ At the Annunciation, Mary accepts as her personal vocation the spiritual mothering of all those who receive new life in Christ. She becomes the focal point toward which the whole history of Israel has been tending.”

“The Annunciation” classic by Fra Angelico (Bl. John of Fiesole OP)

In the aspirancy guidelines (right column of this blog), we suggest that you “entrust your vocation to the Blessed Virgin Mary”. With her prayers then today, renew your desire to say “yes” as Mary did to God. May our Blessed Mother, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, guard and protect your vocation so that with her powerful intercession and example we too may always say “YES” to God!

+ see also:  Formation Process, Aspirancy, Vocation Weekend

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