New Dominican Priories in Ohio and Kenya

September 22, 2017

On September 18, 2017, the Dominican houses of St. Patrick’s in Columbus, OH, and St. Dominic’s in Karen, Kenya were elevated to the rank of Priory by the Very Reverend Kenneth Letoile, O.P., Prior Provincial of the Province of St. Joseph.

In Dominican life, there are two types of communities of friars: priories, which are led by a “prior” (“first” among the brothers) elected by the members of the community, and houses, which are led by a “superior” appointed by the Provincial of a province. Priories are usually larger communities than houses, needing at least six friars, and allow for the full communal life of the friars to be maintained. Becoming a priory is an important milestone of stability and vibrance for a Dominican community, in addition to entailing further rights and responsibilities within its Province.

St. Patrick’s Priory is the home of friars engaging in a robust parochial apostolate at St. Patrick’s Parish as well as other apostolic activities. St. Dominic’s Priory serves as the studentate (house for initial formation for Dominican brothers) for the Eastern Africa Vicariate.

Please pray for the two Dominican communities as they proceed to elect their priors.

Photo: General Assembly of the Provincial Vicariate of Eastern Africa in 2013.

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