Recent Thomistic Circles lectures available online!

October 10, 2014

For those interested in the Thomistic Circles conference at the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, DC from October 3–4, all the lectures are now available online at the Thomistic Institute website. The conference, Vatican II in the 21st Century, focused on five major documents from the Council, their history of reception, and the promise they hold for the future of the Church. Lectures were given by Dr. R.R. Reno on Lumen Gentium, Fr. Gabriel O’Donnell, OP on Sacrosanctum Concilium, Fr. David Meconi, SJ on Presbyterorum Ordinis, Fr. Thomas Joseph White, OP on Gaudium et Spes, and Dr. Michael Waldstein on Dei Verbum. For upcoming events sponsored by the Thomistic Institute, please see the website and blog.

Image: Fr. John Corbett, OP and Sr. Maria Kiely, OSB at the Thomistic Circles conference

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