Vatican II in the 21st Century

September 11, 2014

2014-10-2 - Vatican II in the 21st CenturyOn October 3-4, 2014, the Thomistic Institute at the Dominican House of Studies in Washington DC will host a conference on “Vatican II in the 21st Century.” The conference is free and open to the public. The full schedule is below. Friday, Oct. 3 2:00 pm          Lumen Gentium: The Catholic Destiny of Humanity” Dr. R. R. Reno, First Things 3:00 pm          Break  3:30 pm          “Reform, Promotion and Participation in the Church of Christ: Sacrosanctum Concilium in the Twenty-first Century” Fr. Gabriel O’Donnell, O.P., Dominican House of Studies Saturday, Oct. 4 9:30 am           “Participatory Priesthood: Contemporary Contributions of Presbyterorum Ordinis” Fr. David Meconi, S.J., Saint Louis University 10:30 am         Break  11:00 am         “The Church in the Post-Modern World: Gaudium et Spes on Nature and Grace.” Fr. Thomas Joseph White, O.P., Dominican House of Studies  12:00 pm        Break 1:00 pm          “Analogia Verbi: Divine and Human Speech in Scripture according to Dei Verbum” Dr. Michael Waldstein. Ave Maria University

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